Figure 2
Schematic diagram of the synchrotron PCI-CT imaging set-up with adjusted phase propagation distance at the BMIT bending-magnet beamline. The deflection of the electron trajectory at the bending magnet provides synchrotron light, so-called `white beam', that is shaped by slits and filtered. The double-crystal monochromator provides a monochromatic X-ray beam (25 keV) that passes through the shutter and the ion chamber to be used for imaging. The collimated monochromatic X-ray beam travels through the heart and implanted patch embedded in the tissue-mimicking gel. The small phase shifts attributed to the structural features are developed in free propagation distance after the sample and the accentuated phase contrast is recorded by the detector at three sample-to-detector distances. PCI-CT tomography projections are collected by rotating the sample in the beam. |