issue contents
July 2017 issue

Cover illustration: Rendering of the Very Efficient Spin Polarization Analysis (VESPA) detector installed on the Low-Energy branch of the APE beamline at Elettra (see Bigi, Das, Benedetti, Salvador, Krizmancic, Sergo, Martin, Panaccione, Rossi, Fujii and Vobornik, pages 750-756. Two orthogonal spin polarimeters (VLEED-W and VLEED-B), exploit exchange interaction in a reflectometry setup. They are combined with a state-of-the-art ARPES analyzer, for advanced high-resolution 3D vectorial spin-resolved ARPES.
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research papers

The developed reconstruction method can successfully identify the orientations of coherent X-ray diffraction patterns of an aerosol nanoparticle.

Numerical simulations of the current and future pulse intensity distributions at selected locations along the hard X-ray section of the Linac Coherent Light Source are provided. Estimates are given for the pulse fluence, energy and size in and out of focus, taking into account effects due to the experimentally measured divergences of the X-ray beam, and measured figure errors of all X-ray optics in the beam path.

Refractive optical elements for X-rays that vary the size of the focal spot of an X-ray mirror are reported.

The VESPA new setup for spin-resolved angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is fully operational at the APE-NFFA beamline at the Elettra synchrotron, being a high-demand tool for the advanced investigation of the magnetic properties of materials, as well as the spin texture of complex non-magnetic low-dimensional systems (surfaces and nanostructures). Detailed descriptions of the detector and its characterization are reported.
A synchrotron radiation induced contamination layer (a-C:H) on a mirror surface showed a strong variation in structural properties with photon dose. The D- to G-peak intensity ratio [I(D)/I(G)], cluster size and disordering were found to increase with photon dose whereas the sp2:sp3 ratio, G-peak position and hydrogen content were found to decrease with photon dose. In the central region on the mirror surface structural parameters were obtained by soft X-ray reflectivity.
A normal tracing method using a secondary light source has been developed for nano-accuracy optical surface profilers. Using this new method, the theoretical high-accuracy measurement range could be enlarged and systematic errors could be minimized.
Beryllium, being one of the most transparent materials to X-ray radiation, has become the material of choice for X-ray optics instrumentation at synchrotron radiation sources and free-electron laser facilities. However, there are concerns due to its high toxicity and, consequently, there is a need for special safety regulations. Here, durability test results for Be windows coated with atomic-layer-deposition alumina layers run at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility are presented.
A method to stabilize the incident X-ray energy employing the absorption edges of heavy elements is provided. This method can be routinely utilized for anomalous diffraction or scattering data collection where energy stability is highly demanded.
An electrochemical cell design for in situ high-energy X-ray diffraction which provides an order of magnitude signal enhancement over traditional cell designs is presented. Various examples illustrate improved diffraction signal and cell operation.

A method for in situ X-ray reflectivity measurements on the millisecond time scale is described, and its use for measuring interdiffusion in metallic multilayers is illustrated.
The treatment of Laue microdiffraction images for stress analysis in deformed specimens can be improved by using digital image correlation techniques, thereby resulting in the so-called Laue microdiffraction (Laue-DIC) method. This method has demonstrated better performance than traditional methods in previous studies. In this work, two sources of errors affecting the accuracy of Laue-DIC, i.e. image noise and calibration errors, are identified, and their collective effect along with the influence of the number of spots recorded are assessed by Monte Carlo simulation.
A difference analysis scheme has been developed for time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy. It combines the R-space difference EXAFS fit with the difference XANES fit, characterized by changeable calculation core and global optimization algorithm. It has been applied to a photo-excited spin crossover iron complex.
Simultaneous in situ XAS measurements have been carried out at Au and Pt L3-edges in order to gain insight into the growth mechanism of Au–Pt core shell nanoparticles.

A rotatable high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) system that utilizes tunable linear-polarization geometries on the linear undulator beamline BL-1 at Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center is described.
The development of three-dimensional quantitative imaging of hydrogel cardiac implants is a strategic priority for longitudinal studies of cardiac tissue engineering, yet remains to be achieved. Here, by optimizing the imaging parameters, propagation-based phase-contrast computed tomography has been shown to offer great potential for three-dimensional visualization of microstructural features of hydrogel cardiac implants.
A dedicated preclinical radiotherapy station on the Australian Synchrotron's Imaging and Medical Beamline has been installed to achieve systematic and reproducible dosimetry and in vivo studies for synchrotron radiotherapy. In addition to a detailed description of the preclinical radiotherapy instrumentation, a full characterization of the system, dosimetry and results from an in vivo feasibility study are reported.
Solid phantoms that are routinely used in quality assurance (QA) of conventional megavoltage X-ray beam radiation therapy may not be designed for use in synchrotron-based microbeam radiation therapy (MRT). This work quantitatively determines the most appropriate solid phantom to use in dosimetric MRT QA using Geant4-based Monte Carlo simulations.
Analytical expressions are derived for output X-ray beam energy shifts caused by temperature variation, mechanical motion and vibration, and source positional fluctuations on a soft X-ray beamline using a variable-line-spacing grating monochromator. Measured spectra confirm an acceptable energy-resolving power for experimental requirements.
The low-α operation mode of SOLEIL is presented and gives the operation details for experiments using soft X-rays at the TEMPO beamline. Experiments are presented to give the reader the possibility to evaluate the performances of the installation. With the increasing research activity using time-resolved experiments it should be interesting for the synchrotron radiation community. It is thought that the low-α mode operation is the natural bridge between the usual time scale of synchrotron pulses and laser-driven femtosecond experiments.
teaching and education

Common misunderstandings about the relativistic mechanisms of synchrotron radiation emission are identified and corrected.
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