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Figure 7
(a, b, c) Fermi surface of Sr2RuO4 taken at [h\nu] = 65 eV with p, s, c polarization, respectively. (d, e, f) The ARPES intensity plot from Sr2RuO4 measured along the [\Gamma] M line with [h\nu] = 48 eV using the p, s, c polarization, respectively. The p-polarization data shown in panel (d) are taken at the second Brillouin zone because of the higher intensity of the β band than that in the first Brillouin zone, while the polarization dependence of the β and γ bands is essentially the same between them as seen in panel (a). Note that the energy resolution was set better than 30 meV and the measurement temperatures are 10 K for the p- and s-polarization data while the c-polarization data shown in panels (c) and (f) are recorded at 30 K and 20 K, respectively, at another undulator beamline (BL-28A, Photon Factory). After Iwasawa et al. (2010BB14) for panels (a)–(d) and Iwasawa et al. (2005BB13) for panels (c) and (f).

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