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Figure 3
Coordinate system for the monochromator and exit slit. It is hypothesized that, as the temperature increases, the thermal expansion of the supporting structure (steel and granite) of the monochromator and exit slit will cause their height to increase. Gc(Xc, Yc) is the original central point position and rotational axis of the grating; Gc′(Xc′, Yc′) is the new central point position corresponding to the increased height of the monochromator; Ghit(Xhit′, Yhit′) is the impact point of the beam on the grating; Mhit(XMhit, 0) is the impact point of the beam on the plane mirror; Lgrating-slit is the distance between the grating center and exit slit; Slit(Xs, Ys) is the original coordinate position of the exit slit in the xy coordinate plane; Slit′([X_{\rm{s}}^{\,\prime}], [Y_{\rm{s}}^{\,\prime}]) is the new position corresponding to the increased height of the slit; θ is the incidence angle of the plane mirror; and α, β and α′, β′ are the original and new including angles of the grating. The solid and dashed lines refer to the original and current beam, respectively.

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