Figure 8
From the CPV17 data set: the correlation coefficients of the X (blue), Y (yellow) and Z (red) coordinate offsets of the four panel corners from the original positions are plotted (left), from 125 images to 2000 images (top, with indexing solutions) and from 125 to 3500 images (bottom, pre-indexing only). At the top right, the base indexing rate is shown in black for the original, partially refined CrystFEL format geometry file for CPV17, with a local search size of 5 pixels for the maximum peak (used for indexing solution verification). After refinement from indexing solutions, with a local search size reduced to 0 in all cases, the improvement in the indexing rates are shown. A noticeable improvement in the indexing rate can be seen from 125 images using indexing solutions. At the bottom right, 125 images fail to produce verifiable indexing solutions, but 250 images produce a small improvement in the indexing rate. |