Figure 6
Combined approach of in situ DLS and SEC. TCTP (19 kDa; 5 mg ml−1) in 100 µl buffer was applied to a Superdex 200 10/300GL column and detected via DLS inside the sample capillary at a flow rate of 400 µl min−1. A count-rate peak was observed (VE ≃ 15.5 ml), that corresponds to a dimeric state, which is characterized by a hydrodynamic radius of 2.8 ± 0.3 nm. A highly similar value was determined by a DLS cuvette instrument (Table 4 ). (a) The total scattering intensity (count rate; blue squares) of the solution is plotted against the retention volume of the column. The sample solution was injected at the time point labelled with `I'. The indicated peak of TCTP corresponds to the expected molecular weight of around 38 kDa for a dimeric state. (b) The time course of the hydrodynamic radius distribution for the highlighted peak from Fig. 7 (a). The radius of the blue spheres represents the relative abundance of the detected particle radii weighted by scattering intensities in arbitrary units. |