Figure 5
(a) XRR curves recorded with the micro-beam method: mercury/vapour interface measured in two parts with 1 s exposure time each (red squares and green triangles, 100 µm beam) and mercury/electrolyte interface (blue circles, 20 µm beam, 1 s total exposure time). The solid black lines denote the Fresnel reflectivity for these interfaces. The dashed horizontal line marks the value corresponding to a total count of one photon. Data for mercury/vapour are offset by a factor of 100. Inset: region close to the critical angle of the Hg reflectivity. (b) XRR curves of the water/vapour interface recorded with 1 s (red circles), 10 s (green squares) and 100 s (blue triangles) integration time. Dashed lines indicate the level equivalent to a total flux of one photon. The Fresnel reflectivity is shown as a solid black line. (c) Water/vapour reflectivity measured in 100 s. The raw data were binned to extend the accessible qz range from 0.18 to 0.35 Å−1 (blue triangles). |