Figure 5
Layout of the CAMP end-station at FLASH BL1. The FEL beam enters from the left and is focused by the (1) horizontal and (2) vertical plane-elliptical focusing KB-mirrors. (3) The differential pumping section houses a drilled 1.5-inch mirror that is used to couple in the FLASH1 pump–probe laser and to overlap it with the FEL beam under a small angle. (4) The main experimental chamber has four DN250CF ports each in a transverse distance of 260 mm to (5) the interaction region, where the FEL is focused. Typically, the spectrometers (see §3.2 ) are inserted from the top and bottom, while sample injection or target holders are mounted on the sides. Downstream of the main chamber, a detector chamber can be placed that houses the front pnCCD detector plane (6) that consists of two detector halves which can be moved independently to catch large scattering angles. (7) A second detector plane can be placed at a fixed position for small-angle scattering. The experimental chamber is on a frame that can be translated in the XYZ direction as well as pitched and tilted with respect to the FEL beam, which points downwards by 6° after exiting the KB focusing system. |