Figure 4
Schematic of a storage ring light source with undulator in a by-pass line. Electron bunches, stored in the ring in standard multi-bunch filling pattern, are kicked into the FEL loop by a fast stripline kicker plus septum system, hosted in a straight section of length a few meters. A linear energy correlation is imparted along the bunch (energy chirp) by an RF linac (`chirper') of length a few meters, which lies internally to the ring. The beam is then magnetically time-compressed in a 100 m-long, 100° arc compressor, and transported to the 100 m-long undulator line. The beam reaches the undulator entrance at full compression. Lasing occurs in a vertical TGU, which is preceded and followed by small vertical dog-legs (not shown) that manage some of the vertical energy dispersion function in the undulator for optimum FEL efficiency. The beam is extracted from the TGU and decompressed in time in the second arc. Another short RF linac acts as a `dechirper', so that the beam-phase space rotation is completed at its exit, and the beam has recovered its initial peak current and energy distribution. The beam is finally injected back into the ring, and stored for providing light to ID beamlines, until next extraction. |