Figure 4
Squared standing waves inside a [Ti(3 nm)/Gd(4 nm)]8 multilayer at different grazing angles (bottom part), the rotated reflectivity Iσ→π′, the asymmetry ratio A = (I+ − I−)/(I+ + I−) and the total reflectivity (top graphs). is normalized to the amplitude of the incident wave E0 = 1. Calculations for Eph = 7930 eV and with the same parameters of Gd susceptibility as in Fig. 3 . Multilayer magnetization is supposed along the beam (L-MOKE geometry). The magnetic contributions to the reflectivity originate only from Gd layers (hatched); therefore the integration in (52) and (53) concerns only this hatched regions. Thin (red) lines show A(θ) and Iσ→π′(θ) calculated by the exact theory [program pack by Andreeva & Repchenko (2017 )], thick dashed (green) lines show the results of A(θ) and Iσ→π′(θ) calculations obtained by (51) , (53) and (52) , respectively. |