Figure 4
Scheme of a common injection setup at the SPB/SFX instrument. Liquid lines are shown in blue (dark blue: PEEK lines; light blue: stainless steel lines) and gas lines are green (dark green: PEEK lines; light green: stainless steel lines). Glass capillaries are shown in orange. Flow meters are indicated (FM). HPLC pumps are located outside of the experiment hutch. The connected waste lines enable quick pressure release in the liquid lines. The two-position, six-port switching valve connects either the sample reservoir (pressurized by pump 1) or the water line (pump 2) with the nozzle (connected to position 1). In the figure, the first case is shown. The back pressure regulator (BPR) ensures sufficient pressure in the water line when not connected to the nozzle. The sample reservoir is mounted on a rotating sample shaker and cooled down with a Peltier element. Helium pressure is provided by a pressure regulator (GP1). |