Figure 2
Working curves, i.e. the deflection angles ϕ + θ at the grating, depending on the monochromated photon energy for different monochromator operation modes and grating groove densities. At the top, for a groove density of 1200 mm−1 (d = 833.3 nm), the black curves refer to the `fixed focus' operation according to (10) with the two different constants cff = 2.25 and cff = 1.5. The red curves refer to blaze maximum mode according to (8) with two blaze angles, γ = 1.0° and γ = 1.5°. At the bottom, for a groove density of 75 mm−1 (d = 13,333 nm), only curves for cff = 1.5 and a blaze angle of γ = 0.25 ° are presented. The grey area indicates the range of inaccessible deflection angles according to (7) . |