Figure 7
The diffraction efficiencies (DEs, the number of elastically scattered photons per MGy of absorbed dose), including the effects of detector quantum efficiency, at different beam energies, normalized to the value at 12.4 keV. The DE is plotted for three different sensor materials and thicknesses: (a) 450 µm silicon, (b) 1000 µm silicon and (c) 750 µm CdTe. The `best detector' plot (d) shows the results of a calculation of the DE using the detector with the best quantum efficiency for that particular Einc. This is 450 µm silicon for Einc ≤ 9.3 keV, 1000 µm silicon for 9.3 keV < Einc ≤ 20 keV, and 750 µm CdTe for Einc > 20 keV. |