Figure 2
Sketch of the XGMD (left) and HAMP (right). The XGMD is based on photo-ionization of dilute gases. Photo-ions and electrons are extracted by an electric field (HVimesh, HVemesh, HVe). The photoelectron signals (e1 and e2) are coupled out over capacitors. The photo-ion currents (i1 and i2) are coupled out directly. The plates for position monitoring are depicted schematically. HAMP is also based on the detection of photo-ions. A repeller (HVrep) accelerates the photo-ions towards a multiplier (MP stage). This multiplier (HVHAMP) amplifies the ionic signal to an electron signal, which is coupled out of the vacuum chamber (h1 and h2). Raw ADC traces for XGMD and HAMP signals are shown below (ten pulses per train; peak widths are indicated). |