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Figure 4
Stereographic projections illustrating the crystal orientation of 1000 randomly selected crystals for each loading method and crystal type: (a) pipette-loaded AcNiR, (b) PolyPico-loaded AcNiR, (c) pipette-loaded HEWL and (d) PolyPico-loaded HEWL. The plots represent the direction of the 001 hkl of each crystal (reindexed in P1) relative to the beam direction (z) which is shown as the central `+' into the page. A point at 12 o'clock on the circular projection represents a 90° rotation of the crystal around x whereas the point at 3 o'clock represents a 90° rotation around y. Plots were produced using the module dials.stereographic_projection (Winter et al., 2018BB19).

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