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Figure 3
Raw data, without normalization protocols applied, for the EXAFS spectrum collected using a jet with (blue) and without (red) a Cr filter. The spectra are normalized to the edge height and the `No filter' spectrum is vertically offset. The numbers of shots used for different energy ranges are as follows: (i) 2400 shots for 6530–6540 eV (2 s × 120 s−1 × 10 energy points, step size 1eV), (ii) 18480 shots for 6540.5–6579eV (2 s × 120 s−1 × 77 energy points, step size 0.5eV), (iii) 18720 shots for 6579–6702 eV (2 s × 120 s−1 × 78 energy points, step size 1.5 eV), (iv) 12000 shots for 6705–6766 eV (4 s × 120 s−1 × 25 energy points, step size 2.4 eV) and (v) 8640 shots for 6769–6800 eV (6 s × 120 s−1 × 12 energy points, step size 3 eV).

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