Figure 5
(a) Water scatter ring marked in white collected on a downstream CSPAD used for normalization. (b) Mn XANES spectrum of a 10 mM MnCl2 solution collected using the DOT setup normalized in two different ways, using either the I0 reading after the monochromator (`IPM3', black), or the integrated scattering intensity in the water ring region on the forward-scattering detector (`Water ring', red). The plots are normalized to 1 and with an offset of 0.2 along the vertical axis. For XANES scans on the single droplets using the DOT setup, the numbers of shots used for different energy ranges are as follows: (i) 9600 shots (8 s × 120 s−1 × 10 energy points, step size 1 eV) for 6535–6545 eV, (ii) 26 880 shots (8 s × 120 s−1 × 28 energy points, step size 0.5 eV) for 6545–6559 eV and (iii) 10 560 shots (8 s × 120 s−1 × 11 energy points, step size 1 eV) for 6559–6570 eV. |