Figure 7
A comparison of the counting efficiencies with and without corrections for realistic parameters (τ = 100 ns, integration time T = 20 ms, λ ∈ [0, 3.25 M counts per pixel per second], pixel counter depth 65536). The ideal counter efficiency is 1 over the whole range (thick solid blue line), with the counting statistics limits ± σ indicated by thin solid blue lines. Error bars represent the counting statistics errors after linearization. The uncorrected counter quickly deviates from the ideal (small circles with dotted line). A corrected single counter (open red triangles) requires knowledge of the parameters τ and T and underperforms a simple sum of the two counters (large circles). Various two-counter dead-time corrections yield increasingly accurate results, extending the linear counting rate by one to two orders of magnitude (empirical model, black diamonds) and enabling linear counting rates in excess of 107 counts per pixel per second. |