Figure 5
(a) Iridium L3 edge RIXS spectra of Sr3Ir2O7 measured at ambient pressure (black circles) and at P = 3.1 GPa (red diamonds). The spectra were collected at T = 150 K and Q = (3.5, 3.5, 0) r.l.u. and are normalized to the orbital excitations above 0.4 eV. (b) The magnetic regions of the RIXS spectra measured at T = 150 K and Q = (3.5, 3.5, 0) r.l.u., showing the softening of the magnetic mode with pressure. (c) The magnetic regions of the RIXS spectra measured at T = 100 K and Q = (3.475, 3.475, 0) r.l.u. The spectra acquired at ambient pressure in panels (b) and (c) are multiplied by 0.25 and 0.14, respectively, in order to compare them with the high-pressure RIXS data. |