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Figure 3
Rigorously calculated dependence of diffraction efficiency e (Nevière et al., 1974BB9; Schäfers, 2008BB12) on photon energy E for the three different groove densities 150 mm−1, 300 mm−1 and 600 mm−1 when operated with the constant geometrical factor G for which they provide maximum diffraction efficiency according to equation (7)[link]. The blaze angle was matched according to equation (4)[link] to the latter condition to take place at a deflection angle of ϕ + θ = 3°. A perfect sawtooth profile with rectangular tip is assumed. The first-order diffraction efficiency is presented for all discussed groove densities (black line, and blue and green dashed lines), whereas the second-order diffraction efficiency is presented only for the groove density of 150 mm−1 (red line).

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