Figure 2
3D reconstructed volumes of µCT data of 48hpf zebrafish for three different conditions of sample mounting. (a) Lateral, dorsal and frontal view of a single 48hpf zebrafish mounted in liquid isopropanol (blue), paraffin-embedded (gray) and critical-point-dried (green). The bar graph shows the reduction in sample length (b) and volume (c) as it proceeds along the experimental pipeline shown in Fig. 1 . Graphs (d) and (e) show the reduction in total sample length (c) and volume (d) plotted as a percentage of the isopropanol condition (first sample-mounting strategy). In all graphs, lines connect individual samples to show individual alteration throughout the procedure. Values indicate the mean ± standard deviation. *P < 0.05: the difference between groups was statistically significant; ns: not significant. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-tests. N = 4 samples. Scale (X × Y): lateral view: 1600 µm × 1600 µm; dorsal view: 1500 µm × 1550 µm; frontal view: 1500 µm × 600 µm. |