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Figure 1
Schematic of the simulated experimental geometry showing 2D slices through the 3D Bragg peak as a consequence of rocking about the y-axis. Diffractometer angles, θ, ϕ and χ, as well as detector angles δ and γ, are labeled with the red arrows pointing in the positive direction of rotation. S0lab and Slab represent the incident and reflected X-ray beams, respectively. Qlab is the scattering vector. Three coordinate frames are shown: lab space (x, y and z), reciprocal space (qx, qy and qz) and detector reciprocal space ([{\bf{q}}_1^{\prime}], [{\bf{q}}_2^{\prime}] and [{\bf{q}}_3^{\prime}]).

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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