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Figure 6
Spatial patterns of selected soil matrix elements and proportions of two standards – As(V) co-precipitated with ferrihydrite and As(V) adsorbed on boehmite – derived from linear combination fits to As µ-XANES spectra collected from each voxel in ROI-10b of the As(V) treated sand grain. The top left image shows the voxels belonging to high, medium-high, medium-low and low quartiles of Fe fluorescence signals. Brighter colors in the elemental images indicate greater I0-normalized fluorescence intensities, with maximum intensities (arbitrary units) of 0.00882 (Fe), 0.00057 (As), 0.00018 (Ca), 0.00038 (Mn) and 0.00026 (Zn). Brighter colors for linear combination fits indicate greater proportions of each given standard, ranging from 5% to 95%.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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