Figure 5
Hard X-ray valence-band mapping using the high-energy ToF momentum microscope. (a) Measured large-area k-space map at the Fermi energy for the d-bands of Re taken at hν = 3.830 keV (T ≃ 30 K). The kx–ky section shows a cut through the center BZ and the first and second ring of repeated BZs. (b) The same with marked small circular features, indicating the curvature of the final state energy isosphere in k-space. The top of the sphere is marked by a cross; the scale bar quantifies the momentum axes. (c) EB-versus-ky cut along the dashed line in (b) showing the band dispersions. (d)–(f) kx–ky sections at higher photon energies as given on top of the panels. |