Figure 2
(a) SixNy membrane fixed on a chip pin and a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the electroplated metal structures on the SixNy membrane; the scale bar is 20 µm. Inset: magnified view on a 3 µm gold cross with a 35.6° tilt. (b) and (d) Representative spectra, cumulated from all detector pixels, for different metals investigated: (b) from representative samples sandwiched between SixNy windows at the SLS (JUNGFRAU 1M) and (d) from a model nickel sample at SwissFEL (JUNGFRAU 16M). The thick dark blue curves correspond to a grid cell where the metal was present; the thin light blue curves correspond to another cell of the same grid where the metal was absent. The gray areas represent the ROI used for extracting the fluorescence signal. (c) and (e)–(h) Examples of maps obtained from gold [(e) and (f)] and nickel [(c), (g) and (h)] model samples. (c) Fluorescence map from a JUNGFRAU 16M at the SwissFEL. The color scale shows the ratio of fluorescence to direct-beam ROI counts. For this FEL case, the signal from the fluorescence ROI was normalized to the counts in the direct-beam energy ROI [shown as gray and yellow, respectively, in (d)]. (e) and (g) Fluorescence maps from a JUNGFRAU 1M at the SLS. The corresponding inline camera view is shown in (f) and (h). The purple arrows point to dust particles present on the membranes. The color scales show summed ROI counts (arbitrary unit of fluorescence signal). |