Figure 3
The 3D phantom for the evaluation (top left) and three reconstructions compared with the object of the ground truth (middle row). The plot in the top right shows the profiles along the yellow dashed line. The 3D phantom is extracted from a real micro-CT measurement of a shale sample. Its size is 160 × 256 × 256 pixels. We simulated the sinogram from 120 projections within a limited angular range of 0–120°, i.e. 1° steps, and reconstructed with the GANrec, Gridrec and MLEM algorithms, respectively. The pixel value range of the images is scaled to 0–1 for comparison. The brightness and contrast of the Gridrec and MLEM results are optimized to show the best structure of the object. The bottom row shows enlargements of the areas outlined in red in the respective images in the middle row. |