Figure 1
Sketches of the experimental laser-heated DAC setups with on-axis heating and observation (red and orange paths, respectively), collinear X-ray incidence (dashed blue arrows) and salient X-ray signal (green arrows) at ∼90° scattering angle through a Be gasket and at ∼70° (i.e. near 90°) through the downstream diamond. (a) Setup with collection at ∼90° through an X-ray transparent Be gasket, as used here for NIS measurements. (b) Setup with collection at ∼70°, passing a rhenium gasket through the downstream diamond. The indentation wall on the downstream side of the gasket was ground off. (c) Sketch to illustrate the arrangement of the DAC, analyzer crystal and detector in the case of an energy-dispersive von Hámos spectrometer. |