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Figure 3
Phase retrieval in the direct-contrast regime. Example data showing a spider leg (zoom), recorded at a laboratory microCT setup with a rotating anode jet source. (a) A raw projection without the application of a phase-retrieval algorithm. The inset shows a line profile along the red line. The typical edge enhancement can be seen visually in the projection as well as in the profile. (b) A reconstructed phase using the SMO method with a β/δ ratio of 0.015. The edge enhancement is compensated, as can be seen in the projection image and the line profile, but the reconstructed phase seems blurred in comparison with the raw data. (c) A reconstructed phase using the MBA algorithm with a regularization parameter of 0.04. As in the SMO case, the edge enhancement can be reduced but also here the reconstruction seems blurred compared with the raw data. (d) A reconstructed intensity distribution in the object plane using the BAC algorithm. The edge enhancement is again removed by applying the reconstruction algorithm but, in contrast to the SMO and MBA methods, the reconstructed image is almost as sharp as the raw data. Data are supplied in the generators folder and can be loaded in via [{\tt{getHologram('spider')}}]. The scale bar represents 100 µm Data taken from the work of Töpperwien et al. (2016BB47).

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