Figure 6
Measured versus reconstructed q-resolved anisotropic small-angle scattering. (a) Curves from a selected point of a slice [marked red in Fig. 3 (d)] in two different azimuthal angles, i) and ii), as defined by the black lines in the inset diffraction pattern, measured with the section oriented perpendicular to the X-ray beam. The lower curves depict intensities in the direction that includes the collagen peak, segment i), with blue open circles representing the data from the inset diffraction pattern, i.e. the section, and the dotted black line represents the reconstructed data for this voxel in the corresponding direction. The upper curves depict q-resolved scattering along the direction perpendicular to the collagen peak, segment ii), which has higher scattering for all q values, a blue curve for the section and a black curve for reconstructed data. (b) The lower curves correspond to the azimuthally integrated q-resolved data from the same diffraction pattern as in (a), with the section data in blue and corresponding q-resolved reconstruction in the corresponding voxel in black. The green circles show azimuthally integrated (measurement) data from the SASTT scan through the same point, thus including scattering from all voxels in the beam path. The red curve shows the q-resolved corresponding reconstruction, where contributions from all voxels along the same beam path have been summed. |