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Figure 6
(a) In situ XRD data for a BTO precursor thin film on STO(100) in an atmosphere of concentration ratio N2:O2:CO2 = 45:15:40, with the corresponding temperature in the right-hand panel. The colormap indicates the inverse hyperbolic sine (arcsinh) of the intensity to show all details in the intensity (λ = 0.78242 Å). (b) A diffractogram of the film at 600°C compared with the BaOx(CO3)1−x reference diffraction pattern. The structure of the BaOx(CO3)1−x phase was obtained from Antao & Hassan (2007BB2), ICSD 158389. The BaOx(CO3)1−x phase is the only phase that formed during annealing in a CO2-rich atmosphere and its presence is indicated by the green bar in the temperature panel.

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