Figure 9
CT images of glass beads (average diameter: 150 µm) included in a plastic container. (a) Image obtained using DMM radiation (3.1 µm × 3.1 µm × 3.1 µm voxel size, 2000 angular projections over 180° and a propagation distance of ∼2.2 m with an integration time of 300 ms per projection). (b) Pink-beam slice (3.5 µm × 3.5 µm × 3.5 µm voxel size, 2500 angular projections over 180° and a propagation distance of ∼1.8 m with an integration time of 100 ms per projection). The quantitative values have been rescaled to a reference value. The calibration bar reports the values converted into linear attenuation coefficients (cm−1). Two different scale bars are reported to take into account the slightly different voxel sizes. The red arrows indicate internal features within the beads. |