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Figure 6
Effect of our correction for fluorescent scattering showing uncorrected (×) and corrected (+) measurements, showing both the attenuation data (top) and downstream ion chamber readings (bottom). With all 200 readings repeated at the same energy the data is broken up into five segments, each containing 40 one-second measurements, where different daisy wheel apertures were being used. Both the attenuation and count rates are far more consistent across the apertures after correction, with the value of [[{\mu}/{\rho}]] increasing by 0.056% and the associated uncertainty reducing from [5.743\times 10^{{-3}}] to [2.255\times 10^{{-3}}]. The additional error in the count rates was determined to be 2.9 counts, which was reduced from 9.0 counts prior to the correction. Ultimately the total relative error in [[{\mu}/{\rho}]] decreased from [7.25\times 10^{{-3}}] to [2.92\times 10^{{-3}}] as a result of this, even when factoring in the additional error for the count rate. The effect of fluorescence on upstream ion chamber readings is negligible due to their high count rates.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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