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Figure 5
High-resolution images of an integrated circuit. (a) RGB image of the XRF maps of copper (red), titanium (green) and tungsten (blue) recorded with a coherent beam of about 500 nm FWHM. (b)–(d) Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) images showing (b) the darkfield scattering intensity integrated outside the transmitted beam, (c) the differential phase-contrast (DPC) in the horizontal (X) direction and (d) the DPC in the vertical (Y) direction. (e), (f) Ptychographic `super-resolution' reconstructions from the STXM data, showing (e) the phase (in radians) and (f) the transmission (normalized to 1) with a pixel size of 38 nm. All scale bars are 2 µm.

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