Figure 1
(a) Front view of the monochromator as it is placed at the 34-ID-C endstation. The vacuum chamber where the monochromator is enclosed sits on top of a granite stage. The granite table top is lifted by air bearings to permit a motor to slide the monochromator crystals in and out of the incident pink beam. The vacuum chamber is connected to the vacuum of the beamline with the use of two flexible stainless-steel bellows. (b) 3D rendered design of the two Si crystals with the piezo-actuated motors responsible for tilting the crystals. Also shown is the Cu tubing used for cooling the first crystal. (c) The monochromator crystals inside the vacuum chamber with the trajectory of the pink and monochromatic beam at the two monochromator positions. When the monochromator is in the trajectory of the incident X-rays (mono in) the monochromatic beam emerges from Bragg diffraction through the two horizontally scattering Si crystal wafers (Si crystals are vertical). When the monochromator is out (mono out) the pink beam passes undisturbed through the indicated slit. |