international union of crystallography
Announcement of two new Main Editors for Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Keywords: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.
The entire Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (JSR) editorial team would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Dr Ilme Schlichting (Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany) for her many years of service as a Main Editor of JSR, and wish her well as she steps down at this time.
Following our advertisement for a new JSR Main Editor earlier in the summer, together with other discussions, we are pleased to announce the appointment of two new JSR Main Editors:
While not previously associated with IUCr journals as such, Dibyendu is actively involved in the IUCr Commission on JSR. He will bring in a new regional perspective, and we hope more papers from India as India continues to develop its own major facilities.
and has published several papers inKristina is an existing Co-editor of JSR. By being an active committee member of the review panels at several synchrotron and free-electron laser facilities across different countries, she is comfortable with the open access publishing environment, and she will bring valuable insights for guiding JSR into the fully open-access regime.
Dibyendu and Kristina will work with JSR's other Main Editors, Professor Yoshiyuki Amemiya (University of Tokyo, Japan) and Professor Ingolf Lindau (SLAC/Stanford University, USA), and of course with the entire JSR Editorial Board.
More information to introduce our new Main Editors will be provided in the next issue and in the IUCr Newsletter.