Figure 12
Detector operating in dynamical gain-adapting (lateral-overflow) mode: exemplary response of a single-pixel operating mode suppressing cross-talk. Each pixel decides independently which gain to apply to the collected charge, thus avoiding saturation. (a) Detector [ADU] response to an increasing collected charge. A zoomed-in detail of the response curves is reported in the green inset, so that the response in high- and medium-gain can be better appreciated. (b) Calibrated output (converted from ADU to electrons) for the same measurements. Several acquisition sets (using different attenuator filters) have been stitched together to evaluate the response along the full dynamic range: the uneven distribution of points along the overall curve is a consequence of the different fluxes (available illumination settings and filters chosen). (c) Comparison between circuit-induced noise levels and the Poisson limit. (d) Response to soft-energy (275 eV) photon exposure versus integration time (progressively increasing collected charge). The average among 1000 images is reported in the graph as an icon, while the error bars represent the standard deviation. |