Figure 1
(a) XANES spectra of an Nb metal foil (25 µm thickness) at room temperature prior to any heat treatment (blue line) and after a heat treatment in an Anton Paar DHS 1100 cell at 900°C for one hour and cooling-back to room temperature (red line). The inset depicts a linear combination fit of the XANES of the heat-treated sample using reference spectra of an Nb metal foil, NbO and Nb2O5, leading to 85.0 ± 0.7% Nb metal, 9.3 ± 0.8% NbO and 5.7 ± 0.7% Nb2O5, respectively. (b) Magnitude of the Fourier-transform |FT[χ(k)k3]| of the k3-weighted EXAFS fine structures χ(k)k3 measured for the pristine Nb foil (blue line) and the heat-treated foil (red line) (k-range for the FT: 2.2 Å−1 < k < 14.5 Å−1, data not corrected for phase shifts). In the inset, the k3-weighted fine structure oscillations are presented for both data sets. |