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Figure 2
Stitched brightfield images and XRF fluorescence maps (45 µm step for Fe and 35 µm for As/Br) for the diverging-flow device. The dark red–brown precipitate seen in the microscope images matches the Fe distribution shown the XRF maps. The distribution of As also matches the Fe distributions along the side of the device where the As was injected, while Br is not specifically associated with Fe. The colorbar gives the element fluorescence signal normalized to I0, with the lowest color value being set to 0, which was below the detection threshold. The detection threshold was not rigorously determined in these experiments. Areas corresponding to the solid pores, which should have no infused chemicals, had approximately 3 × 10−4 normalized counts for Br maps, 1 × 10−4 for As maps and 1 × 10−4 for Fe maps. These values give a rough estimate of the background fluorescence for these mapping conditions.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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