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Figure 2
(a) X-ray dark field image of a typical NIH-3T3 fibroblast; here, the full data range of [q0, qmax] = [0.038, 0.867] nm−1 is taken into account for calculating the dark field image. The color bar represents the total number of scattered photons per second. (b) Map of the exponent α for partial fitting ranges; [q0, qmin] = [0.038, 0.132] nm−1, [0.038, 0.085] nm−1 and [0.038, 0.052] nm−1 for the heterochromatin, euchromatin and cytoplasm ROIs, respectively. See Fig. 4[link](a) for the real-space ROI definitions. (c) Map of the Porod constant K for partial fitting ranges; [qmin, qmax] = [0.132, 0.867] nm−1, [0.085, 0.867] nm−1 and [0.052, 0.867] nm−1 for the heterochromatin, euchromatin and cytoplasm, respectively. For both (b) and (c), the values are derived by fitting radial intensity profiles corresponding to individual scattering patterns. (d) The reconstructed phase map, rendered by reconstructing holograms recorded at a single defocused position using the RAAR (Luke, 2005BB35) algorithm. The 2D projected mass and electron densities are also shown (grayscale bars on the left- and right-hand side, respectively). The scale bar in (a) is 10 µm and applies to all subfigures.

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