Figure 4
(a) Manually selected regions of interest. The heterochromatin and euchromatin regions are shown in orange and blue, respectively, the cytoplasm in gray and the background in black. The scale bar is 10 µm. (b) The scattering patterns belonging to each region are averaged, azimuthally integrated, background-corrected and plotted against the absolute value of the scattering vector q. The radial intensity profiles are fitted using a power law decay [equation (3) ] from qmin to qmax, as shown by the bold dashed lines. The vertical dashed lines represent the qmin value of the respective ROI. The solid black lines at 0.038 nm−1 and 0.867 nm−1 represent q0 and qmax, respectively. The solid green lines are proportional to q−4 and serve only as a visual aid to the overall I(q) decay. (c) 1D radial intensity profiles, corresponding to the averaged scattering patterns of the regions of interest, plotted as Iq4 versus q (Porod plot). The left and right vertical black lines represent q0 and qmax, respectively. The vertical dashed lines represent qmin. Samples that can be described using Porod's law exhibit a characteristic plateau in the Porod plot. (d) Porod plots corresponding to a single, typical scattering pattern from each region of interest. Iq4 values below zero are omitted. |