Figure 1
Schematic design of the X-SPEC beamline. The top shows a bird's-eye view of the actual design drawing, while the bottom shows a schematic of the most important components of the beamline. From left to right: undulator source with two magnetic structures (U28 and U50), slit system (S1), hard X-ray monochromator (DCM), soft X-ray monochromator (FVLS-PGM), hard X-ray mirror M1, soft X-ray monochromator exit slit, hard X-ray mirror M2, and soft X-ray mirrors M3, M4, M5 and M6. The positions of the two endstations in the schematic are depicted with cloudy orange spheres. In the bird's-eye view, the two beam shutters (BS1 and BS2) and the two diagnostic modules (DMA and DMB) are labeled as well. The soft X-ray beam path is shown in red, the hard X-ray beam path in blue. |