Figure 10
A schematic of the focusing geometry of the multi-analyzer array installed at the medium-resolution spectrometer of BL43LXU at SPring-8 (view from the side). The detectors are placed 200 and 225 mm away from the sample to make space for sample environments. The focusing geometry is an off-Rowland geometry: the focal point is on the detectors. The first-row analyzers focus onto 2 mm × 2 mm CdZnTe SEDs. The second and third rows of analyzers focus onto the lower edge of the area detector (DECTRIS, PILATUS 100K, 0.172 mm pixel−1). Furthermore, l refers to the horizontal distances between the sample and the detectors, and d is the vertical offset between the center of the scattered rays and the center of the focal spot. The magnitude of the TG depends on each of the geometric conditions. The arrows indicate thermal flow direction (hot → cold). |