Figure 15
Focal-spot images at the elastic energy from second-row analyzer (d = 25 mm). (a), (b) Experiment. (c)–(f) Ray-tracing calculations. White squares in (a) and (b) and broken lines in (c)–(f) indicate the border of the effective SED defined by 11 × 11 pixels (∼1.9 mm × 1.9 mm), which is slightly larger than the estimated focal-spot size [c(1 + M) = 0.87 × 1.89 = 1.65 mm]. The full analyzer acceptance (49 mrad × 46 mrad) is irradiated. For clarification, the color scales of (a) and (c) are enhanced by a factor of ten more than the others. For calculation, a slope error of 20 µrad × 20 µrad (r.m.s.) and a source size of 5 µm × 5 µm (r.m.s.) were assumed. The incident bandwidth and intrinsic reflection width are not included. |