Figure 3
Experimental setup. (a) Schematic drawing of optical setup for spatial CL polarization detection. (b) Vacuum photodiode for spin polarization measurements. Upper photograph shows the assembled photodiode from the GaAs photocathode side. Schematic drawing of the vacuum photodiode in the cross section and a photograph of the anode QW structure are shown below. Electrons photoemitted under the hν photon excitation from the GaAs source are injected in the heterostructure target with QWs. (c) Image of photoluminescence intensity distribution in the GaAs photocathode. (d) Image of CL intensity distribution in the anode QW structure under injection of 1 eV electrons emitted from the photocathode at room temperature. (e) Energy diagram of both the GaAs source and the QW target with the NEA separated by a vacuum gap. Ec is the conduction band, Ev is the valence band and EF is the Fermi level. The GaAs cathode is a source of spin-polarized electrons and the heterostructure with QWs is the detector. (f) Circularly polarized (σ+, σ−) components of the CL spectra excited by the injection of spin polarized electrons emitted from the cathode at an accelerating voltage of 0.5 V and T = 300 K and 90 K. |