Figure 1
Layout of the KMC-3 beamline and the XPP endstation at BESSY II. (a) The separated single bunch (indicated by the enlarged dark cyan circle within the ion clearing gap) circulates around the BESSY II storage ring and emits X-ray pulses sketched in dark blue. The divergence of the emitted X-ray beam is parallelized by mirror 1, the wavelength is selected by a Si (111) double-crystal monochromator, and the X-ray beam is finally focused onto the sample by mirror 2. The X-rays diffracted from the sample are counted by a gated pixel area detector or scintillator with photomultiplier. The bunch marker signal at 1.25 MHz from the storage ring trigger is used to synchronize the pump laser pulses (shown in dark red). A function generator (FG) triggered by the laser provides a voltage pulse sequences for sample excitation (indicated in orange), and the gate pulse for the detector synchronized to the synchrotron frequency, ν. An electronic delay unit allows shifting of the laser timing τL with respect to ν; the same is possible for the delay τV of the voltage sequence for ferroelectric switching studies as indicated by the orange voltage pattern. (b) Top view of the experimental hutch for the time-resolved diffraction experiments. The inset shows the alternative generation of second and third harmonic laser light. `POL & λ/2 WP' indicates the polarizer motorized half-wave plate combination that changes the incident laser pump power on the sample. |