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Figure 4
Time-resolved optical pump/X-ray probe experiments of a 157 nm-thick SrRuO3 layer on a SrTiO3 substrate at T = 300 K. (a) Integration of the reciprocal space maps along qx showing the temporal evolution of the out-of-plane lattice vector qz for the SrRuO3 002 lattice vector after excitation with λ = 514 nm at the repetition rate ν = 104 kHz with fluence F = 5 mJ cm−2. The vertical gray arrow indicates the peak position without laser heating. The inset of (a) is the RSM of the measurement at τL = +140 ps for λ = 514 nm. (b) Strain η as function of the delay τL induced by the optical excitation of the SrRuO3 layer with ultrashort laser pulses with 1028 nm wavelength (red circles) and 514 nm (open blue squares).

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