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Figure 4
Denoising a part of Fly (a portion of Figure 2[link]) with vertical streak noise with Ψ as in Figure 1[link]. Left to right: (a) positions x1,…, x8 of one group of blocks with reference block in red; (b) contents of the eight matched blocks [{z_{x_{1}},\ldots,z_{x_{8}}}]; (c) the resulting [{{\cal T}^{\,3\rm {D}}}] spectrum coefficients [s_{i,j}^{\,{x_{1},\ldots,x_{8}}}]; (d) corresponding 3-D noise standard deviations [({v_{i,j}^{\,{x_{1},\ldots,x_{8}}}})^{1/2}]; (e) hard-thresholded coefficients [\alpha_{i,j}^{\rm{HT}}s_{i,j}^{\,{x_{1},\ldots,x_{8}}}]; (f) the denoised group of blocks [{\hat{y}^{{\rm{HT}}}_{x_{1}},\ldots,\hat{y}^{{\rm{HT}}}_{x_{8}}}], and (g) the denoising result of hard-thresholding [\hat{y}^{{\rm{HT}}}]. For the spectrum coefficients and the standard deviations (c, d, e), 50%-gray pixel color in the figure corresponds to value 0 in the data.

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