Figure 12
Time sequence of photons detected within Spots 1–3 indicated in Fig. 5 (a). The y axis represents the consecutive photon number registered by the detector. The acquisition frame of 9.68 ms followed by the 0.32 ms readout time is shown in Fig. 3 . Vertical lines in (a) and (b) indicate the boundaries of the acquisition frames. The cluster analysis was implemented in the raw data to represent each photon by only one pixel. The periodic structure seen in (a) and (b) is caused by the local count rate saturation in Spot 1 from the Timepix limitation of one pixel per frame in time-resolved counting mode. Some random variation of intensity within the spots N2 and N3 over a longer period of time seen in (c) and (d) can probably be attributed to the stability of the X-ray beam and the alignment on the sample. |