Figure 2
(a) Photograph and (b) schematic of the MCP detector with 2 × 2 array of Timepix readout used in the experiments. The open-face detector is mounted in vacuum on an 8 inch flange as shown in (a). The detector active area of 28 mm × 28 mm is located behind the circular mesh grid visible in the image. The detector signals are transferred outside the vacuum over 128 parallel lines and are processed by a custom FPGA data processing board. An external trigger can be used to generate the sequence of acquisition frames, each controlled to a 10 ns timing accuracy. The time of photon arrival within each of these frames is measured by the Timepix readout. Due to the use of frame-based Timepix readout, only one photon per acquisition frame is possible for the current detector, whereas next-generation readouts (Timepix3 and Timepix4) can operate in event-driven mode to remove the latter limitation on the detector local count rate. |