Figure 3
Comparison between regionally normalized and non-regionally normalized residuals between the μ(E) data and Savitzky–Golay filter. Residuals shown the same example as Steps 3 and 4 in Fig. 1 . Regionally normalized residuals are divided by a rolling-window median absolute deviation (MAD), and non-regionally normalized residuals are divided by the MAD for the full spectrum. Residuals are plotted on a point-index basis, and the top axis shows how this translates into energy. Minor tick marks are placed every 50 eV, and gray vertical lines indicate changes in the sampling interval (10 eV in the pre-edge region, 0.5 eV in the XANES region, and 0.05 Å−1 in the EXAFS region). XANES residuals from a point index of approximately 50 to 200 are larger than non-glitch EXAFS residuals (such as those above a point index of 280, or 7600 eV) in non-normalized residuals. In contrast, normalized residuals are of a consistent magnitude in the absence of glitches. |